- nuclear weapons
- first atomic bomb tested in mexico
- bombed japan because the U.S. wanted japan to surrender
- more than 2000 bombs have been tested
- North Korea making their own bombs
- people giving up on their dreams
- 90% of judgement
- why do people judge
- don't judge people by their looks
- people change their appearance and personality just so other will accept them
- no one should be judge everybody is equal
- it seems longer without your phone then having your phone
- when your are doing an activity the time passes by fast
- spend time wisely
- how do we learn the best
- change how you focused
- memory activity's
- teachers should think like students
- paying attention
- man's best friend
- give unconditional love
- are loyal
- don't judge
- descend from great wolfs
- dogs first to be domesticated
- understand more than 50 words
- can detect cancer
- smell 10x better than humans
Daniel's presentation
- not living with friends
- some addictions are:
- facebook
- youtue
- twiter
- snapchat
- people don't bond with family
- attached to phones
- spend more time with people
Cesar's presentation
- how can we go beyond our limits
- everybody has fears
- embrace everything that comes to you
- as you get older you forget to never stop trying
- keep trying and never give up
- people are good at multiple things
- makeup has changed overtime
- the more makeup you wear the more rich you look during queen Elizabeth time
- during Egypt time they were into dark eyeliner
- when is makeup too much?
- makeup can cover insecurities and imperfections