Thursday, March 30, 2017

A step ahead of the hound

  1. Montag went to the black'Sea house and he hided a book that he carried with him in their kitchen and then he left and he phoned the alarm and the fireman came and burned the black'Sea house.
  2. Faber describeso the war as "funny" and says, "it seems so remote because we have our own troubles." "I haven't had time to think."
  3. Faber's TV is like a television screen the size of a postal card.
  4. What was passing on the TV while Montag was on the role was the TV news and it talked about that there was a new mechanical hound, followed by a helicopter camera crew, that has been sent out after Montag.
  5. Montag was running for the river when everyone looked out of their houses so the hound couldn't track his trail.

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