Friday, March 10, 2017

F451 guiding questions ch 1

  1. Montag lives in a society where people can't ask questions or look for information. It's better for people not to think for themselves. This is similar to our society because like for example studentshows go to school to learn but they don't learn everything just what the teacher want or because what they need to teach the important stuff. We don't have enough time to learn every single little thing. The signs that this is a dystopia society is that every person does not benefit from things they learn for example with students there are some students that learn quickly and there are others that don't learn very well and need more help and sometimes the teachers don't even care. Then students drop out and become bad people.
  2. What made Clarissa so special was that she was 17 and saw life so different also she wasn't scared of the things ahead of her in life. She would ask why and how did things happened.Two things she had was curiosity and they she could approach a new friend.

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