Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Ancient Stories

  • The language in the text is different to the language we use in our everyday conversation because when someone writes something they can use punctuation, heading, capital letters, different types of layout and different letter texts. in our conversation we can't use any of those affects. In a conversation you can hear the persons tone and see the persons emotions and how loud their voice get when they speak. in a writing peace you can't feel the writer's emotions only if they tell you how they are feeling and you can't hear how loud their voice gets in the text. Another reason is that when you write you use proper English, but when you talk you talk slang and don't speak proper English.

  • It is not important that the story should be repeat word for word because no one can repeat a writing word from word. Anyone can tell the same thing but in their own words it doesn't have be the same as the original text if they are trying to say the same thing. An example is the telephone game. When the first person tells a phrase to the second person and they keep on going until they get to the last person and by then the phrase is not the same no more because the others have changed the phrase completely.

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